UPDATE | August, 2021

Greetings to all the faithful and enduring shareholders. I want to begin this update by giving thanks to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the promised breakthrough required to accomplish this divine assignment. Additionally, great thanks and appreciation to all the shareholders who have continued to pray and praise for the blessing and breakthrough for our Mission.

After much prayerful contemplation, it has been decided the most practical and effective means to meet the requirements of the SEC to return Ness Energy to trading and expedite the funding for the exploration project in the Dead Sea, is to obtain funding from sources outside of Ness. The plan is obtain a portion of the funding of the exploration budget through, like minded, high net worth individuals and/or companies. As financial commitments to fund a portion of the exploration expenses are secured the audit required to complete the SEC application can be completed and submitted. Successfully obtaining partners to participate in the cost of drilling of the well will not only increase the probability of the SEC approving the application, but also provide the financial assurances required by Israel’s Ministry of Energy to be granted the initial permit to explore in the area of interest.

The following is a portion of the Executive Summary that is being submitted to prospective funding sources.

Coming Humanitarian Need for the Diaspora’s Return to the Land of Israel

Bible scriptures clearly indicate that at some point in history every Jew on the planet will be forced to return to and live in the land of Israel. These negative forces are obviously at work now and news agencies are crying out about the alarming exponential rate of increase in worldwide anti-Semitism. Actually, worldwide Anti-Semitic acts are at historical highs. See the following news links:

It is apparent, the hatred for the Jews will only continue to increase in the coming years. This fact is because there is a biblical prophetic force at work. This negative forces will, by whatever means necessary, compel and drive every Jew on earth back to the state of Israel. Approximately eight million Jews currently live in Israel and about that same number are dispersed around the globe. At some point, in the not too distant future, there will be an acute need to double the number of housing units in Israel to accommodate the Diaspora that will be seeking refuge in the only safe place on earth.

Scriptures in Ezekiel 39:27-29 and Micah 2:12 prophesy the fact that God will cause “all” to return. It appears this return of all of the Diaspora will occur when the anti-Semitic acts burst forth to an intensity never before in history. The world view of the Jewish people will become similar to Nazi Germany. When this happens, housing and infrastructure will have to be prepared in advance to accommodate the unanticipated explosion in migration of the Diaspora to Israel. This tsunami of hatred exploding against the Jews will be so immediate and overwhelming the life of those Jewish people not already living in Israel will be at risk. There will not be time to build the housing once the outbreak occurs. There will be no way for the world at large to anticipate this prophetic event. Therefore, the Israeli government and real-estate developers will be unable to respond in time to meet the demand. It will be similar to Noah having to build the ark before the earth had ever experienced rain. If Noah would have waited until the rain began falling, all mankind would have been lost.

Source of the Funds: Dead Sea Project in Israel

One of, if not the most historic oil/tar seeps in the world lies in the area of the southern half of the Dead Sea in Israel. Prior to the catastrophic destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, biblical history documents the presence of oil seeps and tar pits covering the area. Most probably, the trading value of the hydrocarbons collected from these oil seeps and tar pits provided the wealth for the life style of debauchery that ultimately brought about the destruction of those cities.

Even after the destruction of the infamous cities, there are well documented historical accounts of tar seeps in and around the Dead Sea. Like during the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, these hydrocarbon seeps continued to provide a great source of income for various tribes and governments that controlled the Dead Sea area. Interestingly enough, history reports Antonio and Cleopatra saw the financial value of the seeping hydrocarbons and used their military to take control of the area for a season.

Since the rebirth of Israel in 1948, there have been a number of different and unrelated parties, for varying geologic/scientific reasons, in different decades, prospect and drill in and around the areas of the most active oil seeps, but none of the wells have been commercially viable. The deepest portion of the Graben that contains the greatest potential for oil/gas field(s) remains undrilled. The deepest strata possess the source rock, reservoir rock and trap required for the existence of a world class oil field at a depth near or below 20,000 feet. We possess three different geoscientific studies that support the probability of the existence of this world class oil and gas field. Additionally, as of the date of this Summary, a drilling rig of sufficient size to drill to the required depths has been drilling at a location in Israel. Having a working drilling rig in near proximity is of immense value. Also of great value and cost savings is the exponential improvement in drilling technology in the last five to ten years. This technology will reduce both the drilling cost and mechanical risk associated with drilling to the depths required.

Financial Commitment to Fund the Future Humanitarian Crisis

The prerequisite to participating in the drilling and development of this Prospect will be to share the reality of the vision for the Diaspora and designate and commit to a mutually agreeable percentage, if not a majority of the ownership after payout of the initial investment, of the revenues from oil and gas production to a special trust fund created for the sole purpose of building the housing and infrastructure for humanitarian aid for the Diaspora’s return.

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
President & Chairman
Ness Energy International, Inc.



UPDATE | July 1, 2020

Greetings to all of you faithful stockholders who have continued to pray and believe for the fulfillment of Ness’ mission and the resurrection of the company.  The only movement since the November 2019 update is my progressive revelation and understanding of how the application of the Royal Law of Love should be practiced in every situation of our lives and business.


James 2:8 TPT The Passion Translation

Your calling is to fulfill the royal law of love[a] as given to us in this Scripture: “You must love and value your neighbor as you love and value yourself!”[b]

For keeping this law is the noble way to live.


A good portion of the last update was concerning the New Covenant love of God.  Those that believe in God’s son and receive His love and grace are indebted to give that same grace and love to others- even their enemies. The entire bible focus boils down to this one theme, love, God’s redeeming love for mankind.

Jesus’ first mention of prayer in the bible is his command to pray for our enemies.

Matthew 5:43-48  TPT

43 “Your ancestors have also been taught ‘Love your neighbors[a] and hate the one who hates you.’ 44 However, I say to you, love your enemy, bless the one who curses you, do something wonderful for the one who hates you,[b] and respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them45 For that will reveal your identity as children of your heavenly Father. He is kind to all by bringing the sunrise to warm and rainfall to refresh whether a person does what is good or evil. 46 What reward do you deserve if you only love the loveable? Don’t even the tax collectors[c] do that? 47 How are you any different from others if you limit your kindness[d] only to your friends? Don’t even the ungodly[e] do that? 48 Since you are children of a perfect Father in heaven, you are to be perfect[f] like him.”


If Believers expect to enjoy the full benefits and blessing provided for under the terms of the New Covenant they must honor and act on what those terms require. According to Ness’ mission statement, the company should represent the God of the New Covenant and therefore, honor the terms and conditions of that covenant. Because Jay Petroleum, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the public company, Isramco owes Ness Energy “additional cash consideration” and it has ignored its obligation and refuses to honor the terms of the agreement. Because of their refusal to pay Ness Energy what is owed, they are considered to be a type of an enemy of Ness Energy.  Since Jesus commands His followers, that love Him, to pray for and bless their enemies; then as president and chairman of the board of Ness, I am hereby declaring I will be praying for and blessing Jay Petroleum and its officers and directors.

Understand though, I have sought legal counsel and have a plan to pursue the most cost effective legal means to try and obtain the funds due Ness.  I have even had several phone conversations with a wonderful and supportive stockholder who proposed to me a viable solution to raise the capital to fund the legal action to force Jay Petroleum into arbitration.  But, after sixty days of prayerfully considering the matter in light of God’s word, I have decided to follow the remedy prescribed under the terms of the New Covenant. That imperative is to pray for and bless the company and its officers and directors who have unreasonably and unjustly withheld and ignored Ness’ requests for payment. 

I began praying periodically over Jay Petroleum and those in authority for several years now, but I must admit, I did so too passively and inconsistently.  That changed a week ago. I have begun praying for them earnestly and consistently, the way I would want someone to pray for me and Ness Energy.  I read and pray some of my favorite scriptures over them and I recommend every committed stockholder to pray similarly.  Pray for them as you would want someone to pray for you. If we can determine a need that company has and that is within Ness’ power to meet, Ness will meet it!



For over two years now, I have consistently been directed to different scriptures concerning breakthrough for Ness Energy. Two days ago while praying about God’s plan, it happened again.  Here is the scripture that came to me:

Psalms 51:14     TPT

Let my passion for life be restored,
tasting joy[a] in every breakthrough you bring to me.
Hold me close to you with a willing spirit
that obeys whatever you say.


Breakthroughs can manifest when we honor the terms and conditions of the New Covenant. The most challenging, but the most impactful of Jesus commands, is to bless and pray for our enemies. When believers surrender and obey this command that is when they most accurately represent God’s true nature to people.  The covenant is founded on God’s love and free grace that provided the Redeemer for all mankind.  We are required to imitate God and give the same love and free grace that has been given to us through Jesus. We received this same marvelous gift even when we were still enemies of God.  Therefore, we are required to extend the same rich grace and love to our enemies.


Romans 13:8 TPT:

Don’t owe anything to anyone, except your outstanding debt to continually love one another,[b] for the one who learns to love has fulfilled every requirement of the law. For the commandments, “Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not covet,”[c] and every other commandment can be summed up in these words:

“Love and value others the same way you love and value yourself.”[d]

10 Love makes it impossible to harm another, so love fulfills all that the law requires.


Therefore, as a believer in Christ, I am bound by the terms of the covenant to continually be praying for and blessing Jay Petroleum and those in authority. Also, it is a means to continue to pay the debt of love I owe its officers and directors. These men need to see the heart and purpose of their Messiah, Yeshua through Ness Energy!  What a divinely prepared opportunity we have to represent the grace and love Yeshua to them!

As we begin to practice this command for our enemies, I offer the following application for each of us from the booklet titled: “The Love of God Expressed in the Commands of Christ” published by IBLP. The booklet recommends that for the command to “love your enemies” the following is offered for personal application:

First step is to: “Examine My Heart” and ask;

Can I identify any “enemies” in my life?

What blessing have I given my enemies?

Have I identified needs in the lives of my enemies?

Have I asked God to show me creative ways to benefit my enemies?

Am I praying for my enemies?

Have I identified positive qualities in my enemies?

Have I asked God to make me a channel of His love?

Do I understand the mercy that God gives me?

Do I continue to do good to my enemies even when I do not see any changes?


Luke 6:35 TPT

35 But love your enemies and continue to treat them well. When you lend money, don’t despair[a] if you are never paid back, for it is not lost. You will receive a rich reward and you will be known as true children of the Most High God, having his same nature. For your Father is famous for his kindness to heal[b] even the thankless and cruel.


Romans 12:14, 18-21 AMPC

14 Bless those who persecute you [who are cruel in their attitude toward you]; bless and do not curse them.

18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for [God’s] wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay (requite), says the Lord.

20 But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head.

21 Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good.

When we honor God’s word by obeying Jesus’ commands, we then allow Jesus to be our Defender and He then can actually become our Advocate, our legal representative, our attorney.  Then God, the Judge, can become our vindicator and avenger!  He can issue a righteous judgment on our behalf!

I ask that you please pray daily in agreement with me for blessings on Jay Petroleum and the officers and directors and their families. 

Pray the Lord will send workers into the harvest to minister to them and speak into their lives. I ask also, that you please pray, what I consider to be, one of the most powerful prayers in the New Testament:


Ephesians 3:16-21 AMPC

16 May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality].

17 May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,

18 That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God’s devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it];

19 [That you may really come] to know [practically, [e]through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses [f]mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] [g]unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and [h]become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]!

20 Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—

21 To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it).

God’s richest blessings on all of you for your faithfulness to the divine assignment Ness Energy represents to the Diaspora, the Jews in Israel and Israel itself!

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.


Psalm 34:8 Expanded Bible (EXB)

Examine [Taste] and see how good the LORD is. 
Happy [Blessed] is the person who ·trusts [finds refuge in] him.

Greetings and blessings to all Ness Energy stockholders. This past four months since the last update has been an interesting one, to say the least. Be assured, that with joy, my commitment to move Ness forward continues to remain strong. For many years I have been and will continue to be a steward/shepherd to Ness Energy directing it toward fulfilling the prophetic mission. As I stated in the last update, I will continue to prayerfully seek a partner for the well in Israel. I have contacted two potential “like minded” partners for the well, but have not had any commitments.

This has been a year of no movement. As I prayed and reflected on this I was reminded that there remains an estimated $100,000 to $350,000 still owed to Ness Energy. As I have stated before, the funds due Ness are from the sale of oil and gas leases located west of Ft Worth, TX. The transaction closed in 2005. Many of the oil and gas leases were drilled horizontally in the Barnett Shale and are still producing natural gas today. The company is financially viable and has acknowledged that additional consideration has not been paid, but it refuses to pay. Without the Lord’s divine intervention, it will require filing a lawsuit to collect what is due. I continue to pray and believe there will be a divine breakthrough to cause these funds to be released. Please join me in praising and thanking God as if the breakthrough has happened and the money is in Ness’ bank account. Obtaining these funds combined with either oil and gas income and/or the 2005 and 2006 historical accounting records, would be more than sufficient to complete what is required to finish the audit and file the application with the SEC.

It has been a season of continuing to sort through many spiritual issues. To get right to the heart of the matter, all that has been brought into the light since the last update are matters that are related to me and the private companies in which I was a partner. Because of my partnership in these companies, I have had to take responsibility to move forward to reconcile any and all lingering unsettled issues. Some were sins of a type of pilfering that needed to be confessed to the appropriate people and repented of, which I did. I feel I have identified other key errors of the past and I will continue to take the scriptural actions required to bring resolution.

As I took the initiative to deal with these old lingering errors and sins, insight came concerning a particular oil and gas well my partnership successfully reentered back in 2007. Although we were successful in the reentry of the well, we were never able to obtain commercial production from it. The circumstances concerning the well was a mystery of sorts. Up until now, I was unable to understand what was out of spiritual order that would prevent it from being a blessing. I am now proceeding to rectify the issues so that the well could be a blessing. If it were successful, it could create some much needed income.

During this latest season of prayer, I was convicted and enlightened by the biblical truths stated in the two quotes below by C.S. Lewis. I first came across them back in May and June of this year. It was not until July and August that I began to see the pattern with supporting scriptures about the need to return to old unresolved issues and get them back on the right road. The biblical standards to do so require reconciliation, restoration and restitution concerning them. I was led back in time to discover where the “off track” issues were located. With that knowledge, I knew where and how to return to the point the wrong road was taken and then how all could be restarted onto the right road. If this is actually the case, we should expect a blessing to be produced from the well.

Below are the C.S. Lewis quotes that concern these spiritual truths:

“I do not think that all who choose wrong roads perish; but their rescue consists in being put back on the right road. A sum can be put right: but only by going back til you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.”

“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road.”

In order to identify and correct the sins, errors and wrong roads, it required me to practice tefillah. If you remember back to the previous update, tefillah is the Hebrew word for prayer as it is used in Isaiah 56:7 and quoted by Jesus in Mark 11:17. The definition is supported by what is stated in Mark 11:25. Notice carefully what Jesus says; “And whenever you stand praying (tefillah), if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your (own) failings and short comings and let them drop.” (Amplified Version) How would you know if you had anything against anyone unless you were practicing tefillah?

The definition of tefillah; it is to “self-evaluate”. Tefillah is a time of prayer when we examine ourselves and worship The Heavenly Father. We worship Him and compare our actions, behavior and attitudes of the heart against God’s holy covenant standards. A portion of those actions could have occurred many years in our past and we may have not realized at that time we had gotten off of the “right road” until we practiced tefillah.

As Christians, we are to tefillah in light of the New Covenant. We must compare our actions, behaviors and attitudes of the heart with the new and higher standards which it requires. In short, the New Covenant requirements are based on obeying Jesus’ commands which represent the Royal Law of Love. A facet of that type of love is stated in Luke 6:31, which is considered the “Golden Rule”. In tefillah, we must ask ourselves the key questions like: Have I done for others, in personal interactions and business dealings, what I would want done for me? If we have not, then according to the New Covenant, we must return all the way back to when those sins/errors occurred and to the intersection where the wrong roads were taken so confess, repent, make the corrections and then, get back on the right path. The right path is where the enemy can no longer rob, steal, kill and destroy and where we can expect God’s full covenant blessings.

The following scriptures were prompted to me after I wrote the previous update and they continue the same biblical theme.

Psalm 26:2 The Passion Translation (TPT)

Lord, you can scrutinize me. Refine my heart and probe my every thought. Put me to the test and you’ll find it’s true.

Hebrews 3:12 The Passion Translation (TPT)

So search your hearts every day, [a] my brothers and sisters, and make sure that none of you has evil or unbelief hiding within you. For it will lead you astray, [b] and make you unresponsive to the living God.

To do what these two scriptures recommends requires tefillah. We must search our hearts every day for any evil or unbelief. Evil and unbelief can be represented by any heart motive that is not based on God’s love and grace. Giving God’s love to others, which includes our enemies, is a command of Jesus. What is it that God so lavishly gave us? It is, unmerited grace through his unconditional love provided through Jesus’ death on the cross. By refusing to give others what God gave us, we are led astray and it “makes us unresponsive to the living God.” Areas of our heart can become callused. It will also block God blessings in our lives. This “evil” and “unbelief” can be such emotions, as unforgiveness, harboring offenses/grudges, being judgmental/critical, idolatry (greed, selfishness) and lack of producing the “fruits of the spirit” described in Galatians 5. As we mature in our walk with Jesus we become more and more responsible to live in obedience to the precepts and commands of the New Covenant. We can only become responsive to the living God again by repenting and asking for forgiveness together with practicing what is required by God’s New Covenant principles. Of course, those principles are contained in His Royal Law of Love.

Colossians 3 The Passion Translation (TPT)

12  You are always and dearly loved by God! So robe yourself with virtues of God, since you have been divinely chosen to be holy. Be merciful as you endeavor to understand others, and be compassionate, showing kindness toward all. Be gentle and humble, unoffendable in your patience with others.  13  Tolerate the weaknesses of those in the family of faith, forgiving one another in the same way you have been graciously forgiven by Jesus Christ. If you find fault with someone, release this same gift of forgiveness to them.  14  For love is supreme and must flow through each of these virtues. Love becomes the mark [k] of true maturity. [l]

Tefillah took me all the way back to 2005 in my own partnerships. Back where I discovered the errors/sins like pilfering and “wrong roads” taken because I became a bit callused and became unresponsive to the living God’s biblical principles. I addressed the issues with all concerned agreeing to God’s biblical plan of reconciliation, restoration and restitution. As I stated in an earlier paragraph, after I discovered these wrongs and took the prescribed action to correct, is when understanding began to come to me about the well and why it was a failure. Initially, it was difficult for me to overcome my negative bias towards the results of the well. After several weeks of prayerfully pondering the situation I could begin to consider the possibility of it becoming a blessing. During those weeks I was reminded of all the miracles we experienced that allowed us to successfully reenter it. The work on that it stretched out over a 16 month period. Those months consisted of struggles, challenges and obstacles at every turn. The operation began in January of 2007 and was not brought to a conclusion until April of 2008. At this time, I do not have all the answers as how the blessings that are the result of returning to the right road will be brought about, but I know it will require steps of faith and obedience.

I realize this update is more of a teaching on biblical principles than a business report. The reason primarily is because Ness Energy is as much of a ministry as it is a business. This mission and all that is required to accomplish it can only be done by intently submitting the business elements to fully practicing the New Covenant principles. Otherwise, it will fail. That is the only reason I can account for the intense spiritual scrutiny Ness and I have gone through the past several years. The process has been a true refiner’s fire for me and all the business matters involved. These refining fires have forced me to the type of prayers that require us to examine and scrutinized our hearts and return back to consider every path taken in order to return to the righteous road or “highway of holiness”. Sanctification is required in the process in order to achieve pure reconciliation in every personal interaction and business transaction.

I have given many years of my professional life to the calling of fulfilling Ness Energy’s mission. I have done so with very little to no financial benefit. I will continue to do so for as long as God’s calling and grace to do so rests upon me. I am very encouraged we have overcome so many obstacles caused by unrighteous decisions. I believe we are what the Word of God says we are; “more than conquerors through Christ Jesus”. This is true if we will continue to operate in the New Covenant principles. As we endeavor to do so to right wrongs, we will see The Lord’s plan accomplished through Ness Energy.

Thank you for faithfully praying for Ness’ mission to be fulfilled. Also, please pray for me to be correctly led to accomplish The Heavenly Father’s plan to create an income source for me and our company.

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.


I want to begin this Update by reminding us of how good and sweet tasting The Heavenly Father actually is. What The Father provides us through Jesus Christ is the sweetest relationship there is in the universe. The following scriptures reveal and confirm all that is true about Him and what actions are required by us to fully enjoy His goodness.

Colossians 3 The Passion Translation (TPT)

12  You are always and dearly loved by God! So robe yourself with virtues of God, since you have been divinely chosen to be holy. Be merciful as you endeavor to understand others, and be compassionate, showing kindness toward all. Be gentle and humble, unoffendable in your patience with others.  13  Tolerate the weaknesses of those in the family of faith, forgiving one another in the same way you have been graciously forgiven by Jesus Christ. If you find fault with someone, release this same gift of forgiveness to them.  14  For love is supreme and must flow through each of these virtues. Love becomes the mark [k]  of true maturity. [l]

Psalm 34:8 The Voice (VOICE)

8  Taste of His goodness; see how wonderful the Eternal truly is. Anyone who puts trust in Him will be blessed and comforted.

Luke 11:13 The Voice (VOICE)

13  Look, all of you are flawed in so many ways, yet in spite of all your faults, you know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to all who ask!

1 Peter 2:1-3 The Voice (VOICE)

1 So get rid of hatefulness and deception, of insincerity and jealousy and slander.  2  Be like newborn babies, crying out for spiritual milk that will help you grow into salvation  3  if you have tasted and found the Lord to be good.

James 2:8 The Passion Translation (TPT)

8  Your calling is to fulfill the royal law of love [a]  as given to us in this Scripture: “You must love and value your neighbor as you love and value yourself!” [b] For keeping this law is the noble way to live.

Footnotes: a. James 2:8 It is a royal law because it is given by our King, but since he has made us kings and priests, it becomes the royal law of love given to his royal sons and daughters who are heirs with him.


Since January of this year, there has been no new forward movement on either the audit or the Form 10 application. We have been stalled out for a season now.

Matthew 6:33 Expanded Bible (EXB)

33  ·Seek first [Be concerned above all else with] God’s kingdom and ·what God wants [ L  his righteousness]. Then all ·your other needs will be met as well [ L  these things will be given to you].

The scriptural truth about priorities has become obvious to me as it concerns Ness Energy’s mission. Discovering the oilfield in Israel should be the primary focus: “Then all your other needs will be met as well [these things will be given to you].” Like the need of returning Ness to trading publically. Up to this point in the journey, the order of the plan to accomplish Ness’ mission in Israel has been to return Ness Energy to trading; then once this was accomplished it would be a means to raise funds for the following; drilling of the well, overhead and create a degree of company viability. Primarily, once our company was trading then the stock sales would then be the source to raise funds for the drilling of the wells in Israel. After much prayer I have made a decision to withdraw, at this time, from any domestic oil and gas opportunities, like Texas and focus only on the Dead Sea Project.

NOTE: please revisit the Mission Statement to view a few modifications required to reflect the changes revealed in this update.

A Spiritual Audit/Examination of Ness Energy

In February of this year the financial audit was halted due to our inability to recover the 2005/2006 financial data from the crashed hard drive. That’s the same month I began a journey of prayerfully seeking divine insight on all facets of Ness Energy and even my own heart. I took this action in order to determine what might be the source or issue(s) hindering or blocking completion of the process to obtain SEC approval to return Ness Energy to trading publically again. Repeating, the primary goal has been to return Ness to trading. This was in order to raise funds so the oil field in the Dead Sea of Israel could be drilled and discovered. I have learned through many years of endeavoring to practice Kingdom principles that if there is a delay or blockage to blessings or answers to prayers there has to be a reason. To discover the reason, the believer has to pray to gain understanding of, not only the reason, but also the remedy as well. As I have logged many hours in prayer over these past months, several matters of spiritual nature have come to light. During this season, it occurred to me I have been in the process of performing a “Spiritual Audit” or examination of Ness Energy and myself. I feel it is safe to assume that if a company was created for a spiritual mission and/or purpose and the company has temporarily “failed”, then a spiritual audit should be a prerequisite to the financial audit, right? I believe so. The spiritual assessment has to be made and the appropriate remedies applied before the company can operate within God’s plan of grace and blessing.

Too often we Believers only pray when we need or want something from God - which is understandable considering the English word “pray” means to “ask or beg”. But the Hebrew word for prayer - tefillah - means to “self-evaluate”. So to the Jews of the Bible, prayer was not a time when they asked God for things … it was a time when they examined themselves and worshipped Him. They would use prayer as a way to compare their actions, behavior and attitudes of the heart against God’s holy covenant standards. Tefillah is a covenant exercise because everything needed has already been provided if the terms of God’s covenant are met.

  • The Hebrew word for prayer- tefillah occurs in this well-known scripture that relates to prayer;

Isaiah 56:7

7      I will bring them into My holy mountain where no foreigner is allowed and give them a joyful welcome within My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will find acceptance on My altar because My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations. [a]

  • Jesus quotes this scripture in Mathew 21:13

13  It is written, “My house will be a house of prayer for all people,” but you have turned this house of prayer into a den of robbers.

Key Scriptures Pertaining to Examining:

John 15:2 The Voice (VOICE)

2  My Father examines every branch in Me and cuts away those who do not bear fruit. He leaves those bearing fruit and carefully prunes them so that they will bear more fruit;

1 Corinthians 2:14-16 The Voice (VOICE)

14  But a person who denies spiritual realities will not accept the things that come through the Spirit of God; they all sound like foolishness to him. He is incapable of grasping them because they are disseminated, discerned, and valued by the Spirit.  15  A person who walks by the Spirit examines everything, sizing it up and seeking out truth. But no one is able to examine or size up that kind of spiritual person,  16  for the Scripture asks, “Does anyone know the mind of the Lord well enough to become His advisor?” [a]  But we do possess the mind of the Anointed One (Jesus Christ).

1 Corinthians 11:27-29 The Voice (VOICE)

27  So if someone takes of this bread and drinks from the Lord’s cup improperly—as you are doing—he is guilty of violating the body and blood of our Lord.  28  Examine yourselves first. Then you can properly approach the table to eat the bread and drink from the cup;  29  because otherwise, if you eat and drink without properly discerning the significance of the Lord’s body, then you eat and drink a mouthful of judgment upon yourself.

2 Corinthians 13:5 The Voice (VOICE)

5  Examine yourselves. Check your faith! Are you really in the faith? Do you still not know that Jesus the Anointed is in you?—unless, of course, you have failed the test.

Philippians 1:9-11 The Voice (VOICE)

9  Here’s what I pray for you: Father, may their love grow more and more in wisdom and insight— 10  so they will be able to examine and determine the best from everything else. And on the day of the Anointed One, the day of His judgment, let them stand pure and blameless,  11  filled with the fruit of righteousness that ripens through Jesus the Anointed. All this I pray, with a view to God’s ultimate praise and glory.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 The Voice (VOICE)

4  but as we have been approved by God and entrusted with the good news, that’s how we are telling the world. We aren’t trying to please everybody, but God, the only One who can truly examine our motives.

1 John 4:1 The Voice (VOICE)

4 My loved ones, I warn you: do not trust every spirit. Instead, examine them carefully to determine if they come from God, because the corrupt world is filled with the voices of many false prophets.

King David is practicing tefillah in Psalms 139: 23-24

Psalm 139:23-24 The Voice (VOICE)

23  Explore me, O God, and know the real me. Dig deeply and discover who I am. Put me to the test and watch how I handle the strain. 24  Examine me to see if there is an evil bone in me, and guide me down Your path forever.

Psalm 139:23-24 The Passion Translation (TPT)

23  God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Examine me through and through; find out everything that may be hidden within me. Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares. 24  See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways— the path that brings me back to you.

Joshua experienced this same problem after losing the first battle in an attempt to conquer Ai.

Joshua Chapter 7: 7-26 Voice version (VOICE)

7  Why, Eternal One, our Lord? Why have you brought us across the Jordan if only to let the Amorites destroy us? It would have been better for us to settle on the other side of the Jordan!  8  Lord, how am I going to explain that our fighting men have had to run for their lives?  9  The people of Canaan, all the inhabitants of this land, will hear that we have been defeated. They’ll surround us and destroy us as a people forever, and then how will the world remember Your great name?

10  Get up. What are you doing in the dirt?  11  There’s a simple explanation: Israel has sinned. They have lied and have violated the covenant I gave them by stealing some of the property that should have been destroyed along with the rest of Jericho and by hiding it among their own belongings. 12  That is why the Israelites can no longer resist their enemies. They run from their foes because they are under a curse and doomed to destruction. I will not be with you or fight for you unless these things devoted to destruction are truly destroyed.  13  Get up, and tell the people to purify themselves for tomorrow. Tell them that the Eternal One, the God of Israel says, “There are items among you that were supposed to be destroyed as I commanded. You will not be able to resist your enemies unless you remove the banned items from among you.”

14  Then in the morning, the people will pass before you tribe by tribe, and by drawing lots you will know which tribe I pick. Then that tribe will come clan by clan, and the chosen clan will come family by family, until at last they come before you one by one and I show you who is guilty.  15  With the person selected by lot, you will burn him and all his belongings, including his family and his livestock, with fire as a punishment for breaking the covenant with the Eternal and for bringing dishonor upon Israel.

The Voice Translation comment: There’s always an explanation in the Book of Joshua when the people of Israel are defeated in their battles for the Promised Land, and that explanation is not that God has been unfaithful. It’s the other way around: God tells the people of Israel to do something, and they don’t. God allows their defeats so that they can see the error of their ways. He corrects His people and punishes them so that they may learn to do better.

16  So Joshua arose early, and the Israelites passed before him, tribe by tribe. First the tribe of Judah was chosen by lot.  17  From the clans of Judah, the clan of the Zerahites was chosen, and from that clan, the family of Zabdi.  18  From that family, the Lord indicated that Achan (the son of Carmi, grandson of Zabdi, and great-grandson of Zerah from the tribe of Judah) had taken the banned items.

19  My son, I urge you now to show honor and thanksgiving to the Eternal One, the God of Israel, and confess. Tell me what you have done, and tell the truth.

20  It’s true. I am the one who broke the commandment of the Eternal God of Israel.  21  Among the spoils of the city, I found a beautiful Babylonian robe, 5 pounds of silver, and 20 ounces of gold. When I saw them, I wanted them and I took them. They are buried now in the ground inside my tent with the silver at the very bottom of the hole. 22  Joshua sent men to Achan’s tent, and there they found the valuables with the silver at the bottom just as he had described.  23  They carried them back from the tent to Joshua, displayed them in front of the Israelites, and offered them to the Eternal.  24  Then Joshua and all Israel led Achan, the son of Zerah, with the robe and silver and gold he had taken, with all his sons and daughters, with all his cattle and livestock, and with his tent and everything he possessed, to the valley of Achor.

25  Why did you bring such trouble upon us? Well, now the Eternal is bringing trouble on you. The people stoned Achan and his family and burned them and all their belongings.  26  Afterward they erected a pile of stones over Achan that still stands today. When all of this was done, the Eternal put away His anger; so to this day that place is called the valley of Achor, which means “trouble.”

The results of identifying the problem and obediently making the correction, thereafter, the Israelites are able to easily conquer Ai in their second attempt.

King David experienced this in 2 Samuel 21 after a three year famine.

2 Samuel 21 The Voice (VOICE)

21 After the people had suffered from a famine for three successive years, David asked the Eternal One why the famine lingered, and the answer came that the nation was guilty for not making amends for the bloodlust of King Saul, who slaughtered the people of Gibeon.  2  (The Gibeonites were not from Israel—they were related to the Amorites. Saul tried to annihilate them in his zeal for Israel and Judah, although the people of Israel had promised to spare them during the days of Joshua.) So David called for the leaders of Gibeon.

This biblical story ends by King David carrying out what the Gibeonites require and the famine is ended. Once King Saul’s sin was reconciled grace and favor were returned. It’s the same process, pray and seek God’s direction to identify the source of the problem and obediently correct it.

I have specifically asked the Heavenly Father to take me on a guided tour to explore the most remote areas of the heart of Ness Energy and me. I have asked Him to put us to the “test” and see how we handle the “strain” and reveal any “evil bones” within Ness or me. I am determined to examine every core issue that could in any way hinder or block the success of Ness and its mission. There have been some heart issues I have found in myself and issues within the company that required repentance and rectifying. There were some past actions taken by former officers and directors that came to light that required reconciliation. I have taken certain action to rectify the issues that could be resolved now and created company mandates and policies to reconcile others when possible in the future.

I have gone so far as to reexamine the very premise of the Mission and the original purpose of the founding of Ness Energy. I reexamined my original calling to serve The Lord in becoming the “shepherd” or steward over the company for the purpose of pursuing the mission and restoring the company. The clear impression I get is that the Mission statement is sound and divinely inspired and my stewardship of the company is a clear calling.

Concerning moving the company forward, I did discover that, first and foremost, I need to reset the order and focus of the available resources. This revised order of priority will now focus on pursuing funding from Kingdom of God, “likeminded” sources for the drilling of the project in the Dead Sea. The funding could come through several means, such as large private sources who could invest directly into the well and/or through Ness. I am not abandoning the plan to restore Ness to trading publically, but will focus first on the funding of the well(s). To repeat, the well funding will be the primary focus and the SEC approval secondary. The private funding sources may include a combination of investing in the exploration drilling of the well and additionally in Ness Energy stock. A portion of the capital raised for the drilling could bring additional funding into the company to provide for overhead and audit expenses.

To accomplish our mission in Ness Energy, the drilling of the wells for the oil field has to be funded. I now believe that as I focus on this primary goal, we will begin to make progress on returning Ness to trading. When the SEC application is finally submitted, the action being taken on obtaining funding for the Dead Sea Project would most likely add credibility to Ness’ business plan in the eyes of the SEC and increase the probability of the application’s approval.

Ness Energy already has all of the exploration studies that were commissioned and paid by the company in years past. Updating the Reports will require additional money to hire the professional’s required to perform the necessary work on the geophysics, geology and engineering.

Although I do not have many of the answers as to how all of the funding will come, I am very excited and reenergized to be able to focus directly on obtaining the funding for the Dead Sea Project. The most important element of this goal will be to provide the information to meet the requirements of the Israeli government to obtain the rights (oil and gas permit) in order to begin to explore for oil and gas there. It is difficult to estimated, but this process to obtain the funds and complete the updates may take approximately 90 days or so.

In The Wonderful Name of Jesus, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.


I hope everyone had a blessed season of celebrating Easter/ Resurrection day and Passover. For only the second time this century, the Christian remembrance of Good Friday and celebration of Passover for Jews coincides, adding significance for those that understand Jesus was the Passover lamb. The birth of Jesus is a wonderful and holy day, without a doubt, but on the Passover in 33 AD, the Son of God made a decision to humble Himself and yield to Yahweh’s plan.

Hebrews 12 New Life Version (NLV)

2 Let us keep looking to Jesus. Our faith comes from Him and He is the One Who makes it perfect. He did not give up when He had to suffer shame and die on a cross. He knew of the joy that would be His later. Now He is sitting at the right side of God.

We are now enjoying the natural, spiritual and ultimately, the eternal benefits of Jesus focusing on the joy that would be His after the laying down of his life and offering His blood for all who believe in Him.


Concerning the current goal of completing the Form 10 application, there has been no forward movement as of the date of this letter. The historical accounting data has been unrecoverable and the consultant that was to complete the non-accounting portion of the Form 10 has been unable to follow through due to unanticipated demands on his schedule required to close two large opportunities for his own public company. We are currently stalled out and evaluating all available options in order to move forward.

To increase the probabilities of the SEC approving Ness’ Form 10 without the historic accounting data, our SEC attorney has strongly recommended locating an oil and gas income producing opportunity to provide legitimate viability for the company. I am currently pursuing an oil and gas opportunity that is located in Texas. It is low risk with good surrounding production and it would be relatively inexpensive. A longtime friend of mine that is a petroleum engineer has prepared the engineering completion procedure. This enabled me to prepare the cost estimate and I am currently engaged in obtaining oil and gas leases. This project involves an existing and fully cased wellbore that requires a relatively modest amount of completion work to determine if there are commercial quantities of oil and gas recoverable. The funding will have to be provided by third parties as Ness does not have funds to risk. I will continue to pursue this project as a possible income source.

Completing the Form 10 will continue to be the primary goal. The Series B Preferred stock sales has not yet provided sufficient funds to complete all that is remaining for the auditors and consultants.

I know our Heavenly Father has a plan and I continue to move forward with the “light” I have. We will continue trusting that this delay is for the long term good of Ness and its stockholders.

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.



On Monday February 18 we will resume the task of completing the SEC Form 10 application. The consultant who will be performing the task has many decades of experience in completing and filing reports and applications to the SEC. Simultaneously, we will continue to work on recovering the historic accounting data from the failed hard drive. When the Form 10 is complete except for the final accounting data, then we will re-engage the accounting firm to complete what remains of the audit and submit the application to the SEC with or without the historic data. The application can be approved by the SEC without the historic data, but the accounting firm strongly recommended that every effort be made to obtain the 2005 and 2006 financial information prior to filing the application. At that point we can assure the SEC we have done so.

We are very thankful to begin moving forward again with completing the SEC application.

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.


Historical Accounting Recovery Update:

First of all, I want to thank Gary Houghton for volunteering to assist Ness Energy, free of charge, in recovering the historical accounting data from the server’s failed hard drive. Gary worked for Ness Energy for several years which included the 2005 and 2006 time period. He is actually the person who procured the computer equipment and created Ness’ computer office network. He is very experienced and knowledgeable of computer software and hardware technology as he worked in the industry for over ten years. He began Ness’ recovery process on January 7 th and completed the process later that week.

On January 13 th I drove to Weatherford, TX and met with Gary and Bob Lee (former Ness CFO) to review the recovered data. A good portion of it was recovered intact and other portions were corrupted. This is common in the data recovery process. It was determined the accounting data could not be accessed without the cooperation of the software firm.

On January 18 th , the accounting software company, WolfePak, was very gracious in agreeing to attempt to access the accounting data and make an assessment of the condition of the accounting files and do so for a modest fee. We are very grateful for their willingness to assist us! First of all, they have to determine if they can use their current software to open files from 2005 and 2006 that were saved on their old software program that is now obsolete. If they can open them then they can determined if the data is or is not in usable condition. The exact turnaround time depends on when the WolfePak technicians can work our job into their schedule. We will update you when we know more.

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.



I want to thank all of those who have responded and purchased shares of the Series B Preferred stock. So far, we have Indications of Interest for approximately $30,000 and we have received $17,500. We look forward to other shareholders and interested accredited investors purchasing the Preferred stock. To do so, click on the Icon block, “Indication of Interest” to learn more. The funds from the sale are needed in order to cover the increase in the cost of the audit.

I had this update prepared the end of October, but delayed releasing it in anticipation of news of successfully obtaining the historical accounting data. But, since the data retrieval process has turned out to be much more of a chore than expected, I continued to delay posting the update to the website until now. The delays are primarily because we had to go through three old computers taken from a storage unit in order to locate the primary server. As we processed through each one of them, it turned out it was the third computer that was the server containing the needed historical accounting data. Due to the number of years the equipment sat unused it made it difficult to start up and access data on the hard drives. The computer technician reported to me on December 17th he had ordered and received special software needed to complete the data retrieval. He will finish the special data retrieval attempt when he returns home from his holiday travels on December 28th .

The most valuable news to date is that this delay has also provided me additional time to ponder and pray over matters that concern specific details in the company Mission Statement. Primarily, during the months October and November I sensed a deep unsettling as if some key element of the Mission Statement was lacking that required closure. This sense was strong and lingered on. It was as if there were other scriptures that needed to be added in order to “balance” the mission statement. One day while watching a Christian apologist on YouTube, I was made aware that there was a scripture in Ezekiel that pertained to and contained the specific answer I was seeking. As soon as I read the scriptures I immediately experienced a feeling of spiritual “closure”. A deep peace settled over me and I knew I now had the key element that was missing, a prophetic truth that was a type of a catalyst that was required to solidify all of the elements of the Mission Statement.

With this confirming scripture I only had to slightly revise the Mission Statement in order to more specifically state what the “assignment” includes.  To do so, I added the second sentence in the “Assignment” paragraph which says: “This will be required in order to house the millions of Jews that will soon be forced to move and reside there to avoid the ever increasing violent and deadly antisemitism occurring throughout the world.”

The shareholders must understand the primary purpose for the oil revenues produced from the discovery of the field in the Dead Sea region of Israel will be to provide funds to prepare housing for the Jews who will be, by various means, forced to move there.  If the housing is not prepared and waiting on them in advance, when the tipping point of forces occurs against them, many will suffer or even die needlessly because there would be no decent place in Israel for them to live.  The dwellings will have to be prepared well in advance of this worldwide outbreak of antisemitism because there will not be time to do so after outbreak begins.

The most important scripture concerning Ness’ Mission Statement that affirms and bolsters it is Ezekiel 39:27, 28 which states:

Ezekiel 39:27-28 Expanded Bible (EXB)

27  I will bring the people back from ·other lands [the nations/peoples] and gather them from the lands of their enemies. So I will use my people to ·show many nations that I am holy [display my holiness in the eyes of many nations.].  28  Then my people will know that I am the Lord their God, because I sent them into ·captivity [exile] among the nations, but then I ·brought them back [gathered them] to their own land, leaving no one behind.

The wording in this prophetic scripture that says …“leaving no one behind” means just that.  At some point in the not too distant future, God will see to it that not one Jew on the earth will be left behind in another country, but they will all be living in the land promised to them. At some point, I believe many will be forced out of their current countries of residence to flee for their lives back to Israel. Decent dwellings must be waiting on them when this historic end time event occurs. Through us, the Body of Christ, Jesus will provide salvation for the Diaspora in their promised land, Israel.

I want to give thanks in advance to those who, in the near future, will be purchasing the Series B Preferred stock so we will have sufficient funds to complete this leg of the application process.

I pray you have a very Merry Christmas and may the fullness of shalom reside upon you throughout this coming New Year.

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.

Shalom in Hebrew means: Completeness; safety and soundness; welfare, health, prosperity; peace, quiet, tranquility, contentment; friendship of human relations and with God especially in covenant relationship.


Dear Ness Energy Shareholders,

Below are the “breakthrough” scriptures that were revealed to me as I spent time praying over Ness Energy, especially the last 60 days. What blessed me in a special way through these particular scriptures is that they are not the “usual” breakthrough scriptures I’ve known and read in the past. They are all new ones to me. This is the primary reason I am confident this breakthrough theme is spiritually valid and scripturally vital to moving Ness Energy forward. I have been using these scriptures to encourage me to persevere in seeking, knocking and asking for God’s insight and direction to reveal what is required to experience the breakthrough.

I was in prayer between this September 9th and 18th , taking time to examine my heart searching for any unresolved issues or sins that may need to be repented of and reconciled. I was deeply convicted by a particular scriptural principle that described a specific action that must be taken in order to remedy and reconcile certain breached financial commitments. That deep conviction moved on me to consider certain unresolved financial issues I knew about that occurred in Ness’ past. I presented the matter to the Board of Directors and submitted a resolution to follow the biblical remedy. The directors agreed it was right and just and the resolution was passed unanimously on September 25th, 2018. The great sense of peace and joy I experienced after the resolution was passed, confirmed to me, this was the key to release God’s blessing for this breakthrough to occur. Be encouraged by the following scriptures:

Micah 2:13 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

13  The [a] Breaker [the Messiah] will go up before them.

They will break through, pass in through the gate and go out through it,

and their King will pass on before them, the Lord at their head.

Psalm 32:7 The Passion Translation (TPT)

7  Lord, you are my secret hiding place,

    protecting me from these troubles,

    surrounding me with songs of gladness!

    Your joyous shouts of rescue release my breakthrough.

Pause in his presence

Psalm 42:11 The Passion Translation (TPT)

11  So I say to my soul,

“Don’t be discouraged. Don’t be disturbed.

    For I know my God will break through for me.”

    Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again.

    Yes, living before his face is my saving grace!

Psalm 43:5 The Passion Translation (TPT)

5  Then I will say to my soul,

“Don’t be discouraged; don’t be disturbed,

    for I fully expect my Savior-God to break through for me.

    Then I’ll have plenty of reasons to praise him all over again.”

    Yes, living before his face is my saving grace!

The following scripture was revealed to me the morning after I prepared the first draft of this letter. I am blessed and especially

encouraged by it because it is stated in the past tense;” broke through”. It should encourage us to take the spiritual position that the breakthrough has already occurred. Therefore, from this point forward, we should only have to give praise and thanksgiving to The Lord God that the breakthrough has already happened. We should “Tell the world how he broke through…”

Psalm 107:2-3 The Passion Translation (TPT)

2–3  So, go ahead—let everyone know it!

    Tell the world how he broke through

    and delivered you from the power of darkness and

    has gathered us together from all over the world.

    He has set us free to be his very own!

Thank you for continuing to give praise and thanksgiving to The Lord God that the breakthrough has now broken through!

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.



Since the last update, the primary portion of the audit has been completed, but due to questions that arose that concerned Ness’ last filing with the SEC all the way back in 2006 for the year 2005, the auditor has required detailed accounting schedules be provided concerning liabilities for those two years. We had not anticipated having to provide this historical accounting data or we would have already begun the steps to do so. Bob Lee, the former Ness CFO was contacted as soon as we found out and has retrieved the old Ness server from storage to begin the process to locate and provide the data. Mr. Lee has other commitments and obligations to honor as he works to start up the computer to access the requested data. The more comprehensive and complete the historical accounting received by the SEC in the Ness application, the more timely they can process the application.

NOTE: The time frame to complete the remaining steps and submit the application to the SEC after the audit is finished is detailed in the previous update and remains the best estimate of what we anticipate.


We continue to receive a number of inquiries regarding a private placement of shares of Preferred Stock in the Company from our shareholders and others. The Company has decided to do a second Preferred Stock issuance following our successful offering of our Series A Preferred Stock. We are issuing up to $300,000 of a new Series B Preferred Stock with a 50% discount for conversion to common stock. These shares will not pay any interest/dividend as did the series A. The conversion will allow the individuals to convert the dollar value invested in the Preferred Stock into common shares with the common share price discounted at 50% of what the shares are trading for on the public exchange at the time of the conversion. Details of the conversion terms will be provided in the subscription agreement.

The anticipated use of funds is as follows; approximately $50,000 of the funds raised will be used for legal, accounting, auditors, market makers, advisory and for operational costs required to return the company to trading on a public exchange. Approximately $150,000 of the funds will be used for pursuing the Company’s oil and gas development interests in Israel with the balance being used for some collection efforts on monies owed the Company and for working capital.


Accredited Investors:

Any individual, whether Ness stockholder or not.

Non-accredited Investors:

Limited to stockholders only.

If you may be interested, an updated Indication of Interest will be posted on the website for you to complete and submit.

Thank you for your continued prayer for God’s highest plans to be completed for the U.S., President Trump, Israel and Ness Energy.

In Jesus Name, 

David M. Boyce
Ness Energy International, Inc.