The Current Goals
Identify and contract with Kingdom of God “like minded” source(s) of funding for a portion or all that is required to drill and/or deepen a test well(s) in the “Tamar” area of the south end of the Dead Sea in Israel. To return Ness Energy to trading on a public exchange so that sales of stock could assist in funding the exploration goals.
Purpose and Mission
We come together in this Company engaged in a “Noble Purpose”, as we stand for what is noble, open-hearted and generous towards Israel and the Jewish people. This “Noble Purpose” focuses on serving as facilitators for the Jewish people who have been dispersed throughout the world (Diaspora) for their ingathering to the homeland promised to their ancestors. This purpose includes providing compassionate aid and support to all people native to the land of Israel.
John 4:22B; Romans 11:25; Ch. 15:27; Genesis 12:7; Ch.13:14& 15; Ch. 21:12; Ezekiel Ch. 36:22-24. Ch. 37:21, 26; Ch.38:8; *Ch. 39:27-28: Isaiah 32:8; Ch. 43:5 & 6; Ch. 49:19, 20; Jeremiah 16:14, 15; *Micah 2:12; Zechariah 10:8 & 9
(*Key scriptural basis for the Mission and Assignment)
Our Assignment
Provide funding for and assistance in the “rebuilding of ancient cities” which will provide residences with the supporting infrastructure. This will be required in order to house the millions of Jews that will soon be forced to move and reside there to avoid the ever increasing violent and deadly antisemitism occurring throughout the world. This will also include building supply centers and supporting building of the third Temple. We are to do so as servant-overseers, not for personal reward. One key component of the company’s assignment will be to discover a commercial source of oil and gas within Israel’s borders which will involve the Dead Sea Graben. This assignment is to be carried out in the name of Yahweh as His ambassadors.
Isaiah 44:26, 27, 28; Ch. 45:3: Ch. 60:10; Ch. 61:4, 5; Genesis 14:3, 8, 10: 2 Corinthians 5:20; Colossians 3:17; 1 Peter 5:2, 3 & 4 (of interest: Ezekiel Ch. 38:12, 13 speaks of Gog seeking a spoil. Ch. 39:11 massive army of Gog buried east of the Dead Sea)
Financial Commitment
We will devote at least ten percent (10%) and periodic donations of the revenues collected from the oil and gas projects and production from its Projects in order to complete the Assignment and to fulfill the Mission because we have answered the call to serve The Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 7:2; Proverbs 3:9 (Amp); Malachi 3:10