I want to report some very encouraging news. A long time Ness stockholder who is a Believer and whose Jewish grandfather emigrated to the United States in the 1880’s gifted 300 troy ounces of silver coins and a $1,000 check to Ness Energy over about a ten month period of time. A total value of about $7,000. The silver coins arrived in four separate parcels beginning in the fall of 2015 through mid-2016. The giver communicated he was compelled to give the gifts to provide a modest amount of resources that could be used to assist in any way toward Ness’ future. The coins various arrival times were unexpected and random, but were always very encouraging and greatly appreciated. My morale jumped with the arrival of each gift because there has been no income or financial resources since taking over the company in 2008. There has only been expenses, primarily from legal fees.
With one of the last deliveries of coins the Giver included a letter that said "God specializes in taking a little and turning into a lot". The phrase jumped out to me and reminded me of the scripture:
Zechariah 4:10 Expanded Bible
10 The people should not think that small beginnings are unimportant [For who despises the day of small things?]. They [or These seven eyes] will be happy [rejoice] when they see Zerubbabel with tools [or his plumb line; or the chosen capstone], building the Temple.
The value of the gift was modest by any measure in the business world, but especially in relation to a company that claims it is called to discover an oil field in Israel. "For who despises the day of small things?" In reality, Ness had been abandoned and left adrift with no cash flow or assets and entangled in serious litigation and until the legal action was settled, was at risk of being taken over by predatory lenders. The company has been in the most humble and vulnerable of possible circumstances.
I would ask, Lord, "What do you want to use the value of the silver coins for?" I felt the gift had a special value that was both symbolic as well as monetary. In the first part of 2016 I felt impressed to begin to pursue a very shallow oil prospect in the United States that I had been made aware of in about 2004. I felt strongly it had come to me both in a divine manner and for a divine purpose. Over the last few months as I began the steps to qualify and research the oil prospect I found the confirmation I needed that it should be acquired and drilled. I then asked the Lord, "How do You want to pay the small amount of money required to obtain the oil leases?" After a short while, the clear sense I received was that the silver coins were the "small" and humble means required to fund the "little" lease acquisition. The number three hundred brought to mind a scripture where the same number, but of soldiers, that together with God’s blessings created a victory for Israel against overwhelming odds;
Judges 7:7 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
7And the Lord said to Gideon, With the 300 men who lapped I will deliver you, and give the Midianites into your hand. Let all the others return every man to his home.
Ness now controls the oil and gas leases and is planning to drill a well on the Cornerstone Prospect. The process to raise funds to drill the first well will begin as soon as all the legal documentation is in order. This appears to be the "small beginnings". We must be reverent not to "despise the days of small things" as we resume the journey of accomplishing the primary calling of Ness. Of course, that calling is to discover a world class oil field in Israel for the benefit of the Diaspora returning there.
Concerning the important issue of returning Ness to trading on a public exchange, the estimated cost for professional services required to do so is approximately $75,000. As additional funds become available the process to complete the Form 10 application to the Securities and Exchange Commission will continue. A question, could oil production from the seeds of "small beginnings" become an oil field here in the U.S. and be the divine financial provision to move Ness toward the goal? Let’s continue to agree in prayer that we will receive God’s clear guidance and direction on His path to successfully accomplish the calling for Ness Energy International, Inc.
In Jesus Name,
David M. Boyce
President and CEO
Ness Energy International, Inc.